Thursday 26 May 2011

Rainy Days

Today has been a really good day. I've felt far more positive than I have for the rest of this week and, after an enjoyable day at school, I got home feeling creative and inspired. Why, you might ask. Did I read something thought provoking? No.* Did I have a small amount of homework and lots of my favourite lessons? Nope. (But I'm sure blogging is more important than art homework.) Did I take a 'happy pill'? Definitely not! It's actually been because it is raining**. And rain is my favourite type of weather (other than snow, obviously.)

Most people think it's pretty weird that I prefer rainy days to sunny ones, and winter to summer, and December to any other month- though I am biased as it contains both Christmas and my birthday- but I just love it. I could say it's because after rain everything looks greener and brighter and fresher. Or that there's no rainbow without rain. Or that it is refreshing and cleans the landscape. But, whilst all that is true, it's not why I think it's so great.

I actually just love the thing itself. Rain. The sound it makes against the window (that pattering that manages to be comforting instead of irritating); the feel of it when you have no umbrella and a long trek home and you can just get absolutely soaked and it is so free and awesome and you're so wet that it doesn't matter if you get even wetter; the fact it makes the whole world blurry and no one can quite see each other properly through the downpour; the license it gives you to sit inside and write blog posts and read books and watch TV without feeling guilty; the way it catches your eye through the window, no matter what you're doing; and, most importantly, it makes me feel enclosed but in a snuggly, warm way, not a scary, claustrophobic way.

I think my lazy, hot chocolate drinking, writing, reading, slightly anti-social self is just perfectly suited to this weather. I like burying myself down into the sofa, finding the perfect position and remaining there for hours, so long, in fact, that a cat decides to come and sit on me as if I am part of the furniture. Rain allows me to indulge myself with this lifestyle, therefore, it is my ideal climate. And snow...well, that's another story (or should I say blog post.)

*I've actually just finished Paper Towns by John Green which was both thought provoking AND absolutley brilliant, but that wasn't the reason for this mood.

**Thumbs up if you'd already guessed this due to the not-so-subtle title.

My Favourite Quote

"We are not nouns, we are verbs. I am not a thing - an actor, a writer - I am a person who does things - I write, I act - and I never know what I am going to do next. I think you can be imprisoned if you think of yourself as a noun."
— Stephen Fry

I really love this quote because it just seems so true, and, of course, Stephen Fry is such an epic, insanely intelligent being. I think people like to categorise themselves as 'The Artist' or 'The Nerd' and play up to this false generalisation, which limits all of the things that they could actually achieve if they could just let themselves. You don't have to be 'The Nerd' to get A*s and you don't have to be 'The Popular Kid' to be confident around others. People are far more complex than they give themselves credit for and they (or rather, we) should let all aspects of ourselves shine, or at least give them a chance to do so.