Monday 13 June 2011


I've just started reading the book Atonement by Ian McEwan and I absolutely LOVE it. I don't know why but I just feel overly excited about reading more- it's like I can tell that this is going to be a book that I'll want to read over and over again. I mean, I have had this feeling before but usually when I'm about half way through a book, not midway down page 6. Yeah.

If you're not reading anything at the moment then I think you should join me in reading Atonement basically...because it's crazy good so far! I really want to share this extract from the book with you, as I think it is just so true:

'Pretending in words was too tentative, too vulnerable, too embarassing to let anyone know. Even writing out the she saids, the and thens, made her wince, and she felt foolish appearing to know about the emotions of an imaginary being. Self- exposure was inevitable the moment she described a character's weakness; the reader was bound to speculate that she was describing herself. What other authority could she have?'

Brilliant, isn't it?

An update on the Timbuktu story- apparently Armageddon is a place too*. These people are just screwing with me.

Also a random quote of the day: "I don't know what we're doing, BUT I'M GOING TO JOIN IN ANYWAY!" (Sensible advice there... (And yes, I am quoting myself...I'm just that cool...))

Now this isn't an obligation of any sort but, if you do enjoy these blog posts and you have friends who you think may also enjoy them, then I encourage you to tell them about this little creative space in this dim, dusty corner of the worldwide interweb (because it's kind of hard to get new followers in the blogging universe (as I'm sure you may know from experience.)) Awesome  =)

*It's in Israel.


  1. I would just keep writing and not worry too much about followers. But it helps to comment on other peoples blogs. They see your name and will check you out. After all, comments are what keep us enthusiastic.

  2. @JW And on that note, thank you very much for commenting! =)
