Wednesday 24 August 2011


    I've recently returned home after spending 16 days in Hungary/ Serbia, doing some sightseeing and attending an International Girl Guiding and Scouting jamboree. Hence the lack of posts and whatnot. (Although it's summer, and therefore sunny, so I probably wouldn't have posted much anyway.)
    I had an amazing time, especially as the trip was so anticipated- I've spent the last year fundraising and preparing for it, so to finally go was incredible. Hungary is a really beautiful place, full of old buildings with amazing architecture, and lots of pretty scenery. It is also very very hot. Serbia was a lovely place too, though it seemed a bit busier and less quaint- it was refreshing to go somewhere which isn't completely targetted at tourists, it gave a real sense of the true culture and way of life. And Serbia is even hotter than Hungary. I'm talking 38 degrees c (and don't forget I'm from England, we're not used to the sun.)
    I went with a group of 14 other people (3 leaders, 12 girls (including me)), most of whom I barely knew. Over the course of the two weeks we got to know each other well, and form really strong friendships. We all agreed to stay in touch and I know it will definitely happen. It was odd, knowing that my family were on holiday in Devon whilst I was out on my own adventures but it didn't bother me particularly.
   However as the promise of home got closer and closer and we neared the end of the holiday, I did begin to miss my cosy house and my cosy family and the feeling of total safety that is associated with Home. As we embarked on the journey back to England, the feeling between all of us was, although we'd had a brilliant time, the trip had come to it's natural end and there was a buzz of excitement in the air at the prospect of returning to our safe little havens and our loving families. Sitting on my sofa with my parents catching up on Torchwood and Eastenders that evening, I felt totally content. I couldn't of asked for anything to make me feel more comfortable and happy than I did. And I think that's the beauty of travelling- after the whirlwind of excitement and daring, there's always that place that you can return to, exhausted and in need of a shower. Home.

Thursday 4 August 2011

My Bucket List

In the last few years it's become pretty normal to have a 'bucket list' (a list of things you want to accomplish before you die) and, well, I'm not all that normal but I do have a bucket list so I thought it would be interesting to share it with you. Bearing in mind that I'm still in school and I don't want to put things on the list just for the sake of it, it's not all that long yet.
  • Get my handwriting turned into a font. If I manage nothing else in life it won't matter, as long as I do this.
  • Be able to juggle decently with 3 balls. I'm getting there...
  • Get a book published. Pretty self explanatory.
  • Be fluent in a language. I'm studying French, Spanish and Italian currently and I absolutely love it. (Though I have about as much chance at being fluent in Italian as winning the x factor. And I can't sing.)
  • Get to Grade 8 flute. I'm hoping to take my Grade 6 in Autumn. *Fingers crossed*
I'd love to hear what's on your list  =)