Thursday, 4 August 2011

My Bucket List

In the last few years it's become pretty normal to have a 'bucket list' (a list of things you want to accomplish before you die) and, well, I'm not all that normal but I do have a bucket list so I thought it would be interesting to share it with you. Bearing in mind that I'm still in school and I don't want to put things on the list just for the sake of it, it's not all that long yet.
  • Get my handwriting turned into a font. If I manage nothing else in life it won't matter, as long as I do this.
  • Be able to juggle decently with 3 balls. I'm getting there...
  • Get a book published. Pretty self explanatory.
  • Be fluent in a language. I'm studying French, Spanish and Italian currently and I absolutely love it. (Though I have about as much chance at being fluent in Italian as winning the x factor. And I can't sing.)
  • Get to Grade 8 flute. I'm hoping to take my Grade 6 in Autumn. *Fingers crossed*
I'd love to hear what's on your list  =)


  1. Hmm, never thought about the font thing before. I've been told my printing looks like a girls, apparently I print very neat for a guy.

    Having a book published would be something I'd love too. I've written three 50,000+ word stories for my own fun but never tried to make them print worthy. Have you tried NaNoWriMo? It's a good way to at least get an idea on paper.

    I'd love to visit France too. I really want to tour the Louvre.

  2. Hm, I know how to juggle with 3 balls. (If you ever come to America, then come over to my place and I can teach you!! haha)

    Here's my bucket list...

    Publish a book

    Meet Charlie McDonnell (it was origionally 'Marry Charlie McDonnell')

    Learn the entire dance to Michel Jackson's "Thriller"

    Walk the entirity of the Appalachian Trail

    ...and/or if possible become famous. I like to have my options open. Also, someday I want to visit both England and Ireland. :)
